Construction will start next month on The Sixth Street Bridge, that will span the entire width of the L.A. River and right over the 101 freeway. The bridge seen here in the above photo provided by photographer Sterling Davis gives us an idea of what the viaduct will look like after compilation. The swooping arched bridge will connect Boyle Heights and the Arts District, whom already has several support frames that can be seen from the freeway and various locations with in these cities, illustrated in the photo below.
L.A. architect Michael Maltzan designed the bridge for the city along with chief bridge engineer John Schroerlucke. Contractors Skanska Stacy and Witbeck, who is building the new viaduct, already have several Y-bents set up all along the bridge rout that will serve as the foundation for the bridge as seen in the picture below.
The six month long project that goes in to laying the foundation of the viaduct will involve filling the blue Y-bents and letting the concrete cures for about 10 days. Once all pillars are set they will be ready for the retrofitted arches. The old viaduct was demolished back in 2016 due to a phenomenon commonly referred to as “concrete cancer,” which made the structure seismically vulnerable to collapse. A reminisce of the old viaduct still stands along the L.A. River in the left portion of the photo below. Also you can see the new blue scaffolding to the right of the photo where the embankment will meets the new bridge and connect the two cities. The following picture illustrate the work already done over the 101 freeway in preparation for the new Sixth Street Bridge. The entire viaduct project is expected to be completed by the end of 2020, at a cost of $482 million dollar making it the largest bridge project in the history of the city.
Photography By Sterling Davis